2016 twenty-four merry days of Perl Feed

All I want for Christmas...Is Statistically Calcuable

Algorithm::Kmeans - 2016-12-22

Elladryl was always looking for ways to improve customer satisfaction, and for years she'd been stumped by a particularly difficult to please group of children. Well, actually, they weren't difficult per se, more like inscrutable. Some children were so polite or meek, that they never told Santa what they wanted! Elladryl had tried everything: give them a random toy, give them the most popular toy that year, give them what their siblings or neighbors got to avoid envy… none of it worked. And since these kids were perpetually underwhelmed, some of the scrooges in accounting were proposing that they simply be given leftover stock from previous years! There had to be a better way.

One day, while sitting in the break room staring at a bit of corporate kitsch — a poster proclaiming "Every child is as unique as a snowflake "— Elladryl muttered "poppycock." She was an avid macro-photographer in the off-season, and more than once she'd snapped a picture of very similar looking snowflakes. Of course, that was it! She simply had to figure out which children were similar to those that hadn't made a request, and she'd have an idea of what they might like to receive. After a little digging around on CPAN, searching for various keywords, she found Algorithm::KMeans: a tool for clustering multidimensional data. Perfect! In short, the module groups data points (read children) together based on as many criteria as one cares to use, such that the items in one group are more like one another than they are anything else, a sort of multidimensional Voronoi diagram.

It's well known that Santa keeps psychological profiles of all the world's children — naughty or nice, et cetera et cetera — but that data is closely guarded, and Elladryl would have to demonstrate the need for and effectiveness of her idea. Fortunately, Algorithm::KMeans has the ability to create synthetic data sets for testing purposes. It also has the ability determine the optimum number of clusters for a data set; a somewhat slow process in which it assesses the quality of fit for dividing the up into 2 through 16 clusters.

use Algorithm::KMeans;

    input_parameter_file => 'Big5.param',
    output_datafile => 'Big5-Data.csv',
    number_data_points_per_cluster => 128,

#open conscientious extrovert agreeable neurotic

80 40 60 40 90

1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1

50 60 90 80 20

1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1

80 70 20 50 20

1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1

60 90 40 40 60

1 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1

After inputting some plausible parameters for the big five personality traits, Elladryl ran the auto-clusterer over her synthetic sample of 512 children and was disappointed with the results: two clusters of 509 and 3 tots respectively. What did she do wrong? After racking her brain and trying everything, on her umpteenth run the clusterer created two similarly-sized groups. Success, of a sort. There were clearly more than two types of children in the world, nerd jokes about binary aside, so what had changed? It turns out that in the most recent run, while playing with the data, she had renormalized the variables from 0 to 10 rather than 0 to 1. Interesting, for some reason the algorithm seemed to be sensitive to the magnitude of the inputs. She rescaled the data again, from 0 to 100, and ended up with a much more plausible result of four clusters. Huzzah!

    data dimensionality:  9
    Value of Kmax is: 16
    Clustering for K = 2
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 3
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 4
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 5
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 6
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 7
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 8
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 9
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 10
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 11
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 12
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 13
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 14
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 15
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Clustering for K = 16
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Displaying final clusters for best K (= 4) :

    Cluster 0 (128 records):
      0  10  105  108  112  113  114  123  124  126  131  133
      135  137  138  139  141  148  150  152  154  156  162  167
      168  178  179  18  180  181  182  191  192  195  197  198
      2  20  200  206  207  210  213  241  242  245  251  261
      262  269  272  275  276  278  279  28  285  288  292  293
      294  299  3  306  308  316  326  328  333  335  339  34
      343  344  350  354  356  358  365  368  372  384  385
      387  392  398  402  410  413  414  419  424  43  444  445
      448  453  457  459  464  469  470  473  474  48  483  484
      489  497  498  50  501  503  508  510  58  62  65  73  74
      79  8  81  82  90  94  96  98

    Cluster 1 (128 records):
      1  107  110  118  119  128  13  132  142  151  153  159
      165  169  17  171  183  185  187  188  193  196  212  218
      22  221  223  226  228  234  246  248  25  250  252  255
      256  259  26  260  264  27  274  277  280  284  287  290
      297  313  314  315  318  319  330  334  337  340  341  342
      346  351  353  357  361  369  370  38  381  382  386  39
      396  4  40  401  404  405  408  409  412  418  421  422
      431  434  439  440  441  442  443  449  451  452  454  455
      460  461  462  465  467  471  476  479  485  486  487  491
      496  5  505  509  511  52  53  55  57  6  63  64  68  69  71
      72  83  88  89  97

    Cluster 2 (128 records):
      102  103  104  11  111  115  117  121  122  130  134  136  14
      143  144  146  147  149  155  157  158  16  166  184  186  19
      194  199  203  205  214  216  217  225  227  229  230  231  233
      235  237  238  243  257  263  265  266  268  270  286  289  298
      300  302  303  305  307  309  311  317  32  327  33  331  345
      347  349  35  352  355  359  36  360  362  363  367  371  374
      376  377  379  380  389  391  393  397  403  416  42  425  426
      427  433  436  44  447  45  450  46  466  468  47  472  475  478
      481  488  49  493  494  495  507  51  54  56  61  66  67  7  70
      78  80  85  86  91  92  93  95

    Cluster 3 (128 records):
      100  101  106  109  116  12  120  125  127  129  140  145  15
      160  161  163  164  170  172  173  174  175  176  177  189  190
      201  202  204  208  209  21  211  215  219  220  222  224  23
      232  236  239  24  240  244  247  249  253  254  258  267  271
      273  281  282  283  29  291  295  296  30  301  304  31  310
      312  320  321  322  323  324  325  329  332  336  338  348  364
      366  37  373  375  378  383  388  390  394  395  399  400  406
      407  41  411  415  417  420  423  428  429  430  432  435  437
      438  446  456  458  463  477  480  482  490  492  499  500  502
      504  506  59  60  75  76  77  84  87  9  99

    cluster 0 (128 records):
    cluster center 0: 75.2109 66.1172 16.0859 45.5781 15.1250
                      1.8125 1.4141 1.8125 1.4609

    cluster 1 (128 records):
    cluster center 1: 44.9375 56.1250 85.8594 75.9141 15.4922
                      1.4531 1.5234 1.6875 1.4688

    cluster 2 (128 records):
    cluster center 2: 75.4297 35.1953 55.5000 35.0938 85.9844
                      1.4297 1.4766 1.6328 1.4531

    cluster 3 (128 records):
    cluster center 3: 55.8516 85.4375 36.2109 35.7188 55.7891
                      1.8594 1.3906 1.8594 1.4531

    Best clustering achieved for K=4 with QoC = 0.28300341334325

    QoC values array (the smaller the value, the better it is)
    for different K starting with K=2:

    Writing cluster 0 to file cluster0.txt

    Writing cluster 1 to file cluster1.txt

    Writing cluster 2 to file cluster2.txt

    Writing cluster 3 to file cluster3.txt

    agreeable       75.8031496062992
    conscientious   66.6377952755905
    extravert       16.2125984251969
    neurotic        45.9370078740157
    open            15.244094488189
    subject         1.82677165354331
    sex             1.4251968503937
    siblings        1.82677165354331
    birth_order     1.47244094488189

    agreeable       45.2913385826772
    conscientious   56.5669291338583
    extravert       86.5354330708661
    neurotic        76.511811023622
    open            15.6141732283465
    subject         1.46456692913386
    sex             1.53543307086614
    siblings        1.7007874015748
    birth_order     1.48031496062992

    agreeable       76.0236220472441
    conscientious   35.4724409448819
    extravert       55.9370078740157
    neurotic        35.3700787401575
    open            86.6614173228347
    subject         1.44094488188976
    sex             1.48818897637795
    siblings        1.64566929133858
    birth_order     1.46456692913386

    agreeable       56.2913385826772
    conscientious   86.1102362204724
    extravert       36.496062992126
    neurotic        36
    open            56.2283464566929
    subject         1.8740157480315
    sex             1.40157480314961
    siblings        1.8740157480315
    Birth_Order     1.46456692913386

It's not clear why the clusterer should care about anything more than the relative values of variables, but the important thing is that it appears to work. Elladryl could now make a case to the head elf for access to more data, but she was sure he would agree, and that many more children would be happy this holiday. Of course, even with this break through, she still had plenty of experimenting left to perform. Should the silent children receive the same toy as a randomly selected child in the same cluster? The most popular toy in the cluster? Or perhaps the clusters could be sub-divided even further? After all, since her tool will be processing hundreds of millions of record, she'll have to be somewhat frugal in what variables she can use. But perhaps a coarse clusterer using some high-level psychosocial data could be followed up with another pass using additional variables to create finer sub-divisions.

use Algorithm::KMeans;
use List::Util 'sum';

#Instantiate clusterer and load data
my $clusterer = Algorithm::KMeans->new(
    datafile => 'data.csv',
    mask => 'N111111111',
    K => 0,
    cluster_seeding => 'random',
    terminal_output => 1,
    write_clusters_to_files => 1,

#Group the data, optimally
my($clusters_hash, $cluster_centers_hash) = $clusterer->kmeans();

#Display the results, and the mean values of variables for each group
#to compare with cluster centers
my @vars = qw/agreeable conscientious extravert neurotic open
    subject sex siblings birth_order/
foreach my $cluster_id (sort keys %{$clusters_hash}) {
#print "\n$cluster_id => @{$clusters_hash->{$cluster_id}}\n";
print "\n$cluster_id\n";

  foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#vars ){
    my @F = map{ $_->[$i] } @{
      $clusterer->{_original_data}}{ @{$clusters_hash->{$cluster_id} }
    print $vars[$i], "\t", sum(@F)/$#F, "\n";

The source datafile is here, though you will probably want to remove the first header line before running the above code (since it causes lots of complaints from Algorithm::KMeans)


Gravatar Image This article contributed by: Jerrad Pierce <jpierce@cpan.org>