Reindeer Games
Dancer is a Perl micro-web framework originally based on Ruby's Sinatra. Its status as a micro-framework means, amongst other things, that it is a very nimble creature, and can be thus showed many nifty tricks.
Have Your Party MC'ed by One of Santa's Close Collaborator
It doesn't take a lot of boilerplate to create a minimalistic web service with Dancer
. For example, want to have a web service returning a random song in the current directory to help the party's DJ? There we go:
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use Dancer;
use List::Util qw/ shuffle /;
use MP3::Info;
get '/song' => sub {
opendir my $dir, '.';
my ( $file ) = shuffle grep { /\.mp3$/ } readdir $dir;
my $song = MP3::Info->new($file);
return sprintf "%s (%s)", $song->title, $song->artist;
The result is bare-bone, but oh-so-wonderfully functional:
$ perl
>> Dancer 1.311 server 6046 listening on
== Entering the development dance floor ...
# meanwhile, on the DJ side
$ curl http://localhost:3000/song
01 A Tap Dancer's Dilemma (DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA)
Can we make this shorter? You bet we can. For example, to be able to create mini-web services that only answer to their index route, we can create the module
package C;
use Dancer;
{ package ::main; use Dancer ':syntax'; }
get '/' => \&::index if defined &::index;
And voilà, make room for your new MC:
$ perl -MC -MMP3::Info -e'sub index{@s=<*.mp3>;$s[rand@s];}'
>> Dancer 1.311 server 6046 listening on
== Entering the development dance floor ...
# meanwhile, on the DJ side
$ curl http://localhost:3000/
01 - 01 A Tap Dancer's Dilemma.mp3
Even shorter!
Can we make this even shorter? Maybe slurp on simple scripts present in sub-directories and convert them into web service routes? My, but of course:
package C;
use 5.10.0;
use Dancer;
use Path::Class qw/ dir /;
{ package ::main; use Dancer ':syntax'; }
dir('.')->traverse( sub{
my( $child, $cont ) = @_;
return $cont->() if -d $child;
my( $route, $method ) = $child =~ /^(.*)\.(get|post|put)$/ or return;
$route =~ s/^\.// or $route =~ s#^#/#;
$route =~ s/SPLAT/*/g;
say "adding route '$route'";
eval <<"END_ROUTE";
$method '$route' => sub {
\@_ = \@ARGV = splat;
local \*STDOUT;
open STDOUT, '>', \\my \$output;
{ @{[ $child->slurp ]} };
return \$output;
die "couldn't compile route '$child': $@" if $@;
END { dance; }
And with that MC on steroid, we can now have auto-web-serviceable perl scripts:
$ cat song.get
use List::Util qw/ shuffle /;
use MP3::Info;
opendir my $dir, '.';
my ( $file ) = shuffle grep { /\.mp3$/ } readdir $dir;
my $song = MP3::Info->new($file);
printf "%s (%s)", $song->title, $song->artist;
$ cat request/SPLAT.put
use 5.10.0;
open my $request_fh, '>>', 'requests';
my $song = shift;
say {$request_fh} $song;
say "song '$song' added to the list";
which can be used from the command-line:
$ perl song.get
01 A Tap Dancer's Dilemma (DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA)
$ perl request/SPLAT.put "Rudoplh The Red-Nosed Reindeer"
song 'Rudoplh The Red-Nosed Reindeer' added to the list
and, once the MC is roused,
$ perl -MC -e1
adding route '/request/*'
adding route '/song'
>> Dancer 1.311 server 6586 listening on
== Entering the development dance floor ...
the Holidays are suddenly all Web 2.0-ified:
$ curl http://localhost:3000/song
01 A Tap Dancer's Dilemma (DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA)
$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:3000/request/Rudolf_the_red_nosed_reindeer
song 'Rudolf_the_red_nosed_reindeer' added to the list