Using Valiant for Validations in Agendum: A Deep Dive into DBIx::Class Integration

Agendum is a single user task-tracking application built on Perl Catalyst and DBIx::Class. I'm using it as a testbed to experiment with various new approaches to building web applications with this venerable framework as well as a platform to demo those experiments in articles and at conferences.
One concern of any web framework is data validation. Perl has no lack of validation libraries, including some that have Catalyst integrations. To this list of options I've added my own approach, Valiant which I hope has enough distinguishing features to merit your interest.
Valiant can be used in several ways, but in this article I'm going to focus on how I've integrated it with DBIx::Class in Agendum. I recognize many people prefer validation as a layer separate from the physical database model, but I've found that for many applications it's useful to have the validation declaratively defined in the model layer. This allows for a single source of truth for the validation rules, and also allows for the validation to be automatically applied when the data changed on the database. This is especially useful in a web application where the data is often roundtripped between the database and the user for editing. If this offends your sense of architectural purity, there are ways to use Valiant that are more separate from the database layer, but I'm not going to cover that in this article. You'll have to look over the documentation yourself ;). In any case this approach has worked well for many other frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, so I think it's worth considering for Perl as well.
This article will not cover all the ins and outs of Valiant but I will provide an overview of the features that are most relevant to this discussion. Hopefully this will provoke your interest enough to check out the Valiant documentation and give it a try. If you are a 'code first' kind of person, you can also just clone down Agendum, look it over and start it up with make up
on any system with Docker installed.
Valiant Overview (in a nutshell)
This is a very brief overview of Valiant. For more details please see the Valiant documentation.
Valiant basically is a role that can be applied to any Perl class. It provides a declarative way to define validation rules for the class. These rules typically are applied to Moo or Moose style attributes but you can also declare model level validations when you have rules that apply to the object as a whole or to multiple attributes. The rules are defined in a simple DSL that is easy to read and write. Here's an example:
package MyApp::Model::User;
use Moo;
use Valiant::Validations;
has 'name' => (is=>'ro');
has 'email' => (is=>'ro');
validates 'name', presence => 1;
validates 'email', format => 'email';
This adds two validation rules to the User
class. The first rule says that the name
attribute must be present (i.e. not undef
or an empty string). The second rule says that the email
attribute must be a valid email address. Let's see how this works in practice:
my $user = MyApp::Model::User->new(name=>'John', email=>'not_an_email');
my %errors = $user->errors->to_hash(full_messages=>1);
This will return a hash:
( email => ['Email is not an email address'] )
There's a lot of different ways to define validations, to customize error messages, and to retrieve the errors. You can also define custom validators, and you can define validations that are conditional on other attributes. You can also define validations that are conditional on the object state. All this is covered in the full Valiant documentation but this gives you the basic idea.
The Demo Database Model
Here's an overview of the database model for Agendum, which we'll use as a demo for the rest of this article:
+-----------------+ +------------------+
| tasks | | comments |
+-----------------+ +------------------+
| *task_id* |<------------+ | *comment_id* |
| title | |--| task_id (FK) |
| description | | content |
| due_date | | created_at |
| priority | +------------------+
| status |
| created_at |
| updated_at |
| task_labels |
| *task_id* (FK) |
| *label_id* (FK) |
| labels |
| *label_id* |
| name (UNIQUE) |
The database model is pretty simple:
- Tasks
Stores core information for each task, including the title, description, due_date, priority, and status. This is the main entity in the application.
- Labels
Contains information for categorizing tasks, such as 'Work', 'Research', or 'Planning'. Tasks can be assigned zero or more labels.
- Task-Labels
A many-to-many relationship table linking tasks and labels, enabling a task to have multiple labels and a label to apply to multiple tasks.
- Comments
Stores comments on tasks; basically a freeform note taking log of activity on a task. Each task can have zero or more comments.
If you want full details you can check out the actual SQL used to create the database in the Agendum repository
The Validations
Here's the validation rules for the Task
class in Agendum:
- Task Title
The task title must be present and between 2 and 48 characters.
- Task Description
The task description must be present and between 2 and 2000 characters.
- Task Due Date
The task due date must be present and a valid date that is greater than or equal to the current date. This validation is only enforced when the due date is created or actually changed in an update.
- Task Priority
The task priority must be present and be a number between 1 and 5
- Task Status
The task status must be present and be one of 'pending', 'in_progress', 'on_hold', 'blocked', 'canceled', or 'completed'. A task cannot return to 'Pending' once it's begun. In addition, once a task is set to completed it cannot be changed to any other status. Lastly a task that is 'on hold' or 'blocked' can't be set to completed directly.
And the rules for the Comment
- Content
The content must be present and between 2 and 2000 characters.
There's an element of arbitrariness to these rules, but I wanted something complex enough to be interesting but not so complex that it would be overwhelming. Feel free to tinker as you wish.
Valiant and DBIx::Class
So how do we integrate Valiant with DBIx::Class? There are two DBIx::Class components that you need to add to your result sources and your resultsets, which integrate Valiant with DBIx::Class and additionally provide extra features to make it work more like how you'd expect it. We also provide some value added features to DBIx::Class to make it easier to work with Valiant in the context of a web application, such as full recursive update and create. You can check out the core documentation at your leisure (DBIx::Class::Valiant, DBIx::Class::Valiant::Result, DBIx::Class::Valiant::ResultSet) , but I'll provide a brief overview here using code from Agendum. First here's the Schema class (if you are not super familiar with DBIx::Class you might want to check out the DBIx::Class documentation before continuing):
package Agendum::Schema;
use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
use Agendum::Syntax;
default_resultset_class => "DefaultRS");
There's nothing here directly related to Valiant but I wanted to show you the schema class for completeness. Here's the base result class:
package Agendum::Schema::Result;
use base 'DBIx::Class';
use Agendum::Syntax;
Here you can see I'm installing the core DBIx::Class::Valiant::Result component, as well as some other components that are useful for web applications. The Valiant::Result::HTML::FormFields
component is useful for generating form fields in a web application, and the ResultClass::TrackColumns
component is useful for tracking changes to the database model. You will see later that we need that to make the status validations work.
The InflateColumn::DateTime
component is useful for working with DateTime objects in the database model.
One thing to keep in mind is that Valiant::Result
needs to be the first component in the list. I'm working on figuring out if this can be relaxed, but for now it's a requirement.
Here's the base resultset class:
package Agendum::Schema::ResultSet;
use base 'DBIx::Class::ResultSet';
use Agendum::Syntax;
Again I'm installing the core DBIx::Class::Valiant::ResultSet component, as well as some other components that are useful for web applications. Our component again is first in the list.
Lastly here's the default resultset class, which was mentioned in the Schema class. This is the resultset DBIC uses when you don't have a custom one for a given result source:
package Agendum::Schema::DefaultRS;
use base 'Agendum::Schema::ResultSet';
use Agendum::Syntax;
As you can see there is not much going on here. I know a lot of people set the default resultset class to the base resultset but I'd rather separate them out. It's a personal preference.
Ok, so far there is nothing really interesting. The real magic happens in the result classes. Let's do the Task
result class. I will introduce the code in sections with explanations but you can always see the full code in the Agendum repository.
package Agendum::Schema::Result::Task;
use Agendum::Syntax;
use base 'Agendum::Schema::Result';
task_id => { data_type => 'integer', is_nullable => 0, is_auto_increment => 1 },
title => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 0, size => 255 },
description => { data_type => 'text', is_nullable => 1 },
due_date => { data_type => 'date', is_nullable => 1 },
priority => { data_type => 'integer', is_nullable => 1, default_value => 1 },
status => { data_type => 'varchar', is_nullable => 1, size => 50, default_value => 'pending', track_storage => 1 },
created_at => { data_type => 'timestamptz', is_nullable => 1, default_value => \'NOW()' },
updated_at => { data_type => 'timestamptz', is_nullable => 1, default_value => \'NOW()' },
comments =>
{ 'foreign.task_id' => 'self.task_id' }
task_labels => 'Agendum::Schema::Result::TaskLabel',
{ 'foreign.task_id' => 'self.task_id' }
This first part is just the standard DBIx::Class stuff. We define the table, the columns, the primary key, and the relationships. BTW you can use DBIx::Class::Candy with this if you like, Valiant integrations support that and you can read about it in the docs. However you might have noticed the track_storage
flag on the status field. We need that for the status validations since we will be comparing the state in the database to the new proposed value. It's provided by the DBIx::ClassResultClass::TrackColumns
The next part is where we start adding the Valiant stuff:
__PACKAGE__->accept_nested_for('task_labels', {allow_destroy=>1});
__PACKAGE__->accept_nested_for('comments', {allow_destroy=>1});
Since DBIx::Class::Valiant::Result adds support for nested updates and creates (and optionally deletes) we need to tell the result class which relationships we want to support this for. In this case we want to support nested updates and creates for the task_labels
and comments
relationships. This is useful for web applications where you might want to update a task and its labels and comments all in one go. I force you to specify this support as a security feature. The next bit defines the validations:
__PACKAGE__->validates(title => (presence=>1, length=>[2,48]));
__PACKAGE__->validates(description => (presence=>1, length=>[2,2000]));
__PACKAGE__->validates(priority => (presence=>1));
__PACKAGE__->validates(status => (presence=>1));
Basic validations for required fields and minimum and maximum lengths. The next bit is a bit more complex:
__PACKAGE__->validates(status => (
presence => 1,
inclusion => \&status_list,
with => {
method => 'valid_status',
on => 'update',
if => 'is_column_changed', # This method defined by DBIx::Class::Row
Status is an enum field, so we use the inclusion
validator to ensure the value is in the list of valid status values. You have a few ways to describe the list of valid values, but in this case I'm using a method:
sub status_list {
my ($self) = shift;
return qw(pending in_progress on_hold blocked canceled completed);
This can be useful if the allowed list changes based on things like the user or the state of the object.
I also specify that this validation only runs on update (not create) and only if the status field is changed. This is to prevent running the validation when the object is first created, since we won't have any 'old' values for the comparison. Additionally we only want to run this validation if the status field is changed since some of the validation logic depends on 'old state versus new state'. This is a common pattern in web applications where the user submits the entire form and then you have to distinguish on the server side between fields that have changes and those that don't. For many validations such as 'presence' running the validation for each request has no downside other than additional overhead, but for the status field the rules are complex enough that we want to be more selective.
I also define a custom validator for the status field via a method which is called when the status is updated and changed. Here's that method:
sub valid_status($self, $attribute_name, $value, $opt) {
my $old = $self->get_column_storage($attribute_name);
# If the task is not pending, it can't return to pending (ie once a task is
# started it can't be unstarted)
if($value eq 'pending' && $old ne 'pending') {
$self->errors->add($attribute_name, "can't return to pending", $opt);
# If the task is completed, it can't change to any other status (ie once a task is
# finished it can't be unfinished)
if($old eq 'completed' && $value ne 'completed') {
$self->errors->add($attribute_name, "task is already finished", $opt);
# If the task is on hold or blocked, it can't be moved to completed. You need to
# unhold or unblock it first.
if ($old eq 'on_hold' && $value eq 'completed') {
$self->errors->add($attribute_name, "on hold can't change to completed", $opt);
if ($old eq 'blocked' && $value eq 'completed') {
$self->errors->add($attribute_name, "blocked can't change to completed", $opt);
So in this method we enforce the more complex state transition rules for the status field.
So when using Valiant you have a lot of options for describing validation rules. These can be as complex or simple as you need. For the simple stuff we try to stick with the built in validators so we can be declarative about the rules but when you need power Valiant makes it easy to drop into an arbitrarily complex method.
The last bit is the due date validation:
__PACKAGE__->validates(due_date => (
presence => 1,
date => {
min_eq => sub { pop->today },
if => 'is_column_changed',
Here we use the date
validator to ensure the value is a valid date, and then we use the min_eq
option to ensure the date is greater than or equal to the current date. We only enforce this validation if the due date is changed. Otherwise we'd get validation errors whenever a task was late and the user tried to change a different field such as descriptions, or adding a comment.
Finally the Comment
result class has a validation. It's not much so I will just show all the code:
package Agendum::Schema::Result::Comment;
use Agendum::Syntax;
use base 'Agendum::Schema::Result';
comment_id => { data_type => 'integer', is_nullable => 0, is_auto_increment => 1 },
task_id => { data_type => 'integer', is_nullable => 0 },
content => { data_type => 'text', is_nullable => 0 },
created_at => { data_type => 'timestamptz', is_nullable => 1, retrieve_on_insert => 1, default_value => \'NOW()' },
task =>
{ 'foreign.task_id' => 'self.task_id' }
# Here's the validation rule
__PACKAGE__->validates(content => (presence=>1, length=>[2,2000]));
So the content field is required and must be between 2 and 2000 characters.
Using the Validations
In Agendum, these validations are run from the Catalyst controllers which gather field info from a POST request. However if you are just writing a test script you can run the validations directly on the object. Here's an example (it's from t/advent.t
in the Agendum repository):
use Test::Most;
use Test::DBIx::Class -schema_class => 'Agendum::Schema';
ok my $task = Schema->resultset('Task')->create({
title => 'A Task',
description => 'A description',
due_date => '2000-12-31',
priority => 1,
status => 'pending',
comments => [
{ content => 'A comment' },
{ content => 'A' }, # This comment is too short
task_labels => [
{ label => { name => 'not_a_label' } },
use Devel::Dwarn;
Dwarn +{ $task->errors->to_hash(full_messages=>1) };
This would output something like:
comments => [
"Comments Are Invalid",
"comments[1].content" => [
"Comments Content is too short (minimum is 2 characters)",
task_labels => [
"Task Labels Are Invalid",
"task_labels[0].label" => [
"Task Labels Label Related Model 'Label' Not Found",
You might notice I didn't need to call validate
on the object. That's because the create
method calls validate
for you. Same thing for update
. If you prefer more control you can disable this behavior, but I find it useful for web applications. The database modification will be canceled if validations fail. However the DBIC result object will maintain the changed state, which makes it useful as a place to hold request information for use in a web template or HTML form. In fact the Valiant distribution includes a component that can generate form fields for you based on the the model (Valiant::HTML::FormBuilder) but covering that is beyond the scope of this article.
I hope this article has given you a basic overview of how to use Valiant with DBIx::Class. I skipped on a few of the more advanced features, such as custom validators, delegating validation to other objects, internationalization, filtering, using the form builder and more. If you want to get a feel for some of those things you can play with the Agendum application and read more about them in the full Valiant documentation.
I'm always looking for feedback on Valiant and the DBIx::Class integration. If you have any thoughts or suggestions please feel free to reach out to me via email or on the Valiant github repository. I'm also happy to take pull requests if you have a feature you'd like to add. For example, it's very easy to add more built in validators, or enhance existing ones. I hope you find Valiant useful and I look forward to seeing what you build with it. If you are interested in how to use this to build web applications with Catalyst I hope you'll check out the Agendum repository and keep an eye out for future articles and talks, including one pending later this December 2024.