2012 twenty-four merry days of Perl Feed

My Favorite Pies

perl -pi -e - 2012-12-02

I like pie.

I prefer pie to cake, and within the realm of pies, I have a few favorites. Almost certainly, my favorite pie is pumpkin pie. When I learned that it's primarily an American dessert, and had a few Brits tell me that making something sweet from pumpkin sounded awful… well, I was pretty broken up about those poor lost souls.

Pumpkin pie isn't much of a Christmas treat, though. At Christmas, I might be more likely to get a slice of chess pie. Chess pie is even more American, and mostly found in the South. It's pretty much eggs, sugar, more sugar, and vinegar. Some people call it "vinegar pie." Trust me, it's better than it sounds.

Chess pie is good stuff, but I'm sort of expected to write something about Perl today, so I'm going to write about Perl pie. Perl pies are a great treat. They're good for you, they're easy to make, and they require very little Perl expertise to make.

I don't want to put Perl in my mouth.

I don't either! Also, no baking is going to be required, and we're certainly not going to make anything in a microwave.

Okay, then, carry on.

Perl's command line switches are pretty darn cool. Last year, I wrote about the -M switch and some tricks you could pull with it. There are lots of poorly-known switches that can be put to great use, in there. I'd love to cover them all, but for now I'm going to start with -n.

Let's imagine we've got some input file, file.txt:


The -n switch implicitly wraps our program in a loop like this:

LINE: while (<>) {
# your program goes here

This is great for doing things you might otherwise do with awk or sed. I haven't used either of those in years, because of perl. For example, we could write this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -n
die "bogus first character" unless /\A[A-Z]/;
s/\A(.)\K/ is the abbreviation for $1/;

...to get...

A is the abbreviation for Alfa
B is the abbreviation for Bravo
C is the abbreviation for Charlie
D is the abbreviation for Delta
E is the abbreviation for Echo

In fact, in my experience almost all programs I'd write with -n end with print, so I never use -n. Instead, I use -p, which is exactly the same but adds:

continue {
  print or die "-p destination: $!\n";

The general idea is that now your program is a set of transformations on repeated input, and that you're just editing the stream as it goes by, line by line. It's quite sed-y.

The -n and -p switches are both usable on the shebang line, but they're rarely seen there — it's pretty easy to type the loop out when you're making a program that you're going to keep around a while. They're much more commonly seen in one-liners with the famous and beloved -e (or its younger brother -E). Does your system lack nl for numbering lines? No problem:

~$ perl -pe 'printf "%6u: ", $.' file.txt
     1: Alfa
     2: Bravo
     3: Charlie
     4: Delta
     5: Echo

(Remember $.? It's (mostly) the current line number of the file you're reading.)

Somebody deleted grep? And ack? Will, it sounds like you've got some personnel problems to deal with, but in the meantime, okay:

~$ perl -ne 'print "$.: $_" if /l/' file.txt
1: Alfa
3: Charlie
4: Delta

Note that while we could have used -n in writing the first example, replacing sprintf with printf, but we had to use -n in the second example! Because the print is in a continue, you can't avoid printing by using next. For that, we must stick to -n.

I was told there would be pie.

Yes, well… from -p and -n and -e, we can make a Perl pen, but not a pie. For pie, we're obviously going to need some -i.

The -i switch will be familiar to sed-loving grognards. It lets us edit files on disk, using any value given to the switch as a backup file extension. So:

~$ cat file.txt
~$ perl -p -i.bak -e 's/[a-z]/-/g' file.txt
~$ cat file.txt
~$ cat file.txt.bak

Now, using an argument to -i is a very good idea. Perl's handling of I/O errors when dealing with files with -i isn't the best, and you can lose data if you (or your operating system) screws up. That said… I don't think I ever actually use .bak or anything like that. That's what git is for, right? In my use, the most important reasons to know about that .bak option are (1) to inform other users so that I have plausible deniability when they ruin their unrecoverable data and (2) to remember that you cannot write perl -pie. That's why Perl pies look like this:

$ perl -pi -e 's/../.../' input.txt

Now bake me a pie!

I use Perl pies quite often, especially for doing mechanical refactoring of code. For example, let's say that I've done a bunch of work on making a library called Pumpkin::Walnut, and it's got a number of associated subclasses, and there's Pumpkin::WalnutX, etc. It turns out that for legal reasons, we can't call it Walnut and have to rebrand the whole thing as Pumpkin::Filbert. First we do a bit of renaming of the files in lib, possibly using rename, and then muck about in the files themselves:

This is a piece of cake (so to speak):

  $ perl -pi -e 's/Pumpkin::Walnut/Pumpkin::Filbert/g' $(find lib -type f)

...then review for absurdity by consulting git diff.

Adding editor hints to your files is trivial:

  $ perl -pi -e 'print "%# vim: ft=mason:\n" unless $did{$ARGV}++' $(find mason -type f)

You can fix wonky newlines:

  $ perl -pi -e 's/\x0A?\x0D/\n/g' file.txt

...and of course you can do all sorts of things other than s///. Here's a longer-form of a one-liner I keep lying around:

~$ cat numbers.csv

~$ perl -MList::Util=sum -ani -F, -E 'say sum @F' numbers.csv
~$ cat numbers.txt

It's a lot of fun to write big applications in Perl, using all the other libraries we talk about every other day on the Perl Advent Calendar, but sticking to plain old core Perl is still a pretty sweet way to solve tons of everyday problems.

See Also

Gravatar Image This article contributed by: Ricardo Signes <rjbs@cpan.org>