Perl Advent Calendar 2010-12-17

Oh Voronoi night…

by Adam Russell

Santa was having a horrible time co-ordinating the feeding of not only the big 8 reindeer (code names: comp, misc, news, rec, sci, soc, talk, and alt) but all their reindeer brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, and various degrees of cousin. The reindeer are fed via 7 monolithic steel and concrete grain towers that were put in place centuries ago. Under the current reindeer village configuration some reindeer have to travel outside their neighborhood to get to a grain tower, and Reindeer factional tensions are on the rise.

Historical Context

The neighborhoods must be redrawn so that each neighborhood has a central grain tower. Replacing or moving the grain towers would be prohibitively expensive. How do we design the new neighborhoods around each of the immovable grain towers? Santa had no idea so he called in his smartest elf—Hermey the Elf, D.D.S. Luckily Hermey had an ace up his sleeve by way of having had an elven education in computational geometry before developing an obsession for all things dental. He also knew Perl. With such a powerful peanut butter and chocolate combination on his side he quickly dashed out a script using Math::Geometry::Voronoi and the problem was solved! Because Santa wanted an easy to visualize executive summary he also used GDand Tkx to make some nice visualizations.

A voronoi diagram1 will create neighborhoods around each of the 7 grain towers so that each neighborhood has exactly one grain tower and that grain tower is the closest grain tower from any point in the neighborhood.

Making practical use of Math::Geometry::Voronoi was a little tricky at first though. There is a tempting function called polygons() which returns the computed polygons representing the neighborhoods. However, if you also overlay the points for the grain towers over the polygons the points don't necessarily fall inside the polygon.

Why aren't the points inside the polygon?

Why is this? Well, the polygons that are returned have finite edges but the voronoi algorithm draws the neighborhoods so that they extend off of Santa's compound and off into the North Pole and beyond. By extending lines to a far off point in the distance(off our canvas) we give the illusion of a line (well, technically a ray) extending to infinity. But this makes the visualization a little misleading so we remove some bells and whistles to arrive at a simpler but more accurate representation.

Why aren't the points inside the polygon?

   1 # How to build reindeer neighborhoods. Other applications exist as well. 
   2 # Adam Russell
   4 use GD;
   5 use Tkx;
   6 use Math::Geometry::Voronoi;
   8 my $main_window = Tkx::widget->new(".");
   9 perl_advent_ui($main_window); 
  10 &Tkx::MainLoop();
  12 sub perl_advent_ui {
  13     my ($root) = @_;  
  14     my @points= ([272,39],
  15 		 [130,43],
  16 		 [87,112],
  17 		 [294,114],
  18 		 [166,124],
  19 		 [247,206],
  20 		 [93,208]);
  22     my @gd_polys=create_voronoi_polygons(@points);    
  23     my @gd_edges=create_voronoi_edges(@points);    
  24     my $img_filename=encode_voronoi_image(\@gd_polys,\@gd_edges, \@points);
  25     my $canvas = $root->new_tk__canvas(-width => 400, -height => 350);    
  26     my $voronoi_image=Tkx::image_create_photo(-file => $img_filename);
  27     my $voronoi_tag="voronoi_diagram";
  28     $canvas->create_image([200,200],-image => $voronoi_image, -tag=>$voronoi_tag);
  29     $canvas->g_grid(-column => 0, -row => 0);
  30 }
  32 sub create_voronoi_polygons{
  33     my(@points)=@_;
  34     my $geo = Math::Geometry::Voronoi->new(points => \@points);
  35     $geo->compute;    
  36     my @geo_polys = $geo->polygons;    
  37     my @gd_polys;
  38     foreach  my $geo_poly (@geo_polys){
  39         unshift @gd_polys,create_gd_poly(@{$geo_poly}[1..$#{$geo_poly}]);
  40     }
  41     return @gd_polys;
  42 }
  44 sub create_voronoi_edges{
  45     my(@points)=@_;
  46     my $geo = Math::Geometry::Voronoi->new(points => \@points);
  47     $geo->compute;    
  48     my @geo_edges = $geo->edges;    
  49     my @gd_edges;
  50 print pp $geo->edges;     
  51     foreach  my $geo_edge (@geo_edges){
  52         unshift @gd_edges,create_gd_edge(@{$geo_edge}[0..$#{$geo_edge}],$geo->vertices,$geo->lines,$geo->points);
  53     }    
  54     return @gd_edges;
  55 }
  57 sub encode_voronoi_image{
  58     my($polys,$lines, $points)=@_;
  59     my $mode=">:raw";
  60     my $filename="voronoi.gif";
  61     my $img = GD::Image->new(400,400,1);
  62     $img->filledRectangle(0,0,500,500,0x00ffffff);
  63     #my $k=0;   
  64     #my @color_array=(255,0,0); 
  65     #foreach my $poly (@{$polys}) {
  66     #    my $color=$img->colorAllocate($color_array[0],$color_array[1],$color_array[2]);
  67     #    $img->openPolygon($poly,$color);
  68     #    if($k%2==0){
  69     #        $color_array[0]-=50;#every other time through the loop take the color down a notch   
  70     #                            #to get a small shading effect  
  71     #    }   
  72     #    ($color_array[1],$color_array[0],$color_array[2])=($color_array[0],$color_array[1],$color_array[2]);#each time through alternate red/green polys for a Christmas color scheme      
  73     #    $k++;  
  74     #}   
  75     my $color_black=$img->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
  76     foreach my $line (@{$lines}) {
  77         $img->line(${$line}[0],${$line}[1],${$line}[2],${$line}[3],$color_black) 
  78     }  
  79     foreach my $point (@{$points}) {
  80         $img->filledArc(${$point}[0],${$point}[1],3,3,0,360,$color_black);
  81     }  
  82     open  IMG, $mode, $filename  or die $!;
  83     print IMG $img->gif;
  84     close IMG;
  85     return $filename;
  86 }
  88 sub create_gd_poly{
  89     my(@points)=@_;
  90     my $pgon=new GD::Polygon;
  91     foreach my $point (@points){
  92         $pgon->addPt(@{$point});
  93     }
  94     return $pgon;
  95 }
  97 sub create_gd_edge{
  98     my $points=pop @_;
  99     my $lines=pop @_;
 100     my $vertices=pop @_;
 101     my(@edges)=@_;
 102     my @gd_endpoints;
 103     foreach my $edge (@edges){
 104         my $l_index=${$edge}[0];
 105         my($v_index,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2);
 106         if(${$edge}[1]!=-1){  
 107             $v_index=${$edge}[1];
 108             ($x1,$y1)=(${$vertices}[$v_index][0],${$vertices}[$v_index][1]);            
 109         }
 110         if(${$edge}[2]!=-1){  
 111             $v_index=${$edge}[2];
 112             ($x2,$y2)=(${$vertices}[$v_index][0],${$vertices}[$v_index][1]);            
 113         }  
 114         my($a,$b,$c);#used for expressing the line in ax+by=c form
 115         $a=${$lines}[$l_index][0];
 116         $b=${$lines}[$l_index][1];
 117         $c=${$lines}[$l_index][2];
 118         if(${$edge}[1]==-1){          
 119             if($b){
 120                 #if b is non-zero then the slope is -a/b
 121                 my $m=-1*$a/$b;
 122                 #calculate the y intercept
 123                 my $y_int=$y2-($m*$x2);
 124                 #Now set an extreme endpoint for the start of our line closer to the origin
 125                 $x1=1;
 126                 $y1=$m*$x1+$y_int;
 127             }  
 128         }
 129         if(${$edge}[2]==-1){
 130             if($b){
 131                 #if b is non-zero then the slope is -a/b
 132                 my $m=-1*$a/$b;
 133                 #calculate the y intercept
 134                 my $y_int=$y2-($m*$x2);
 135                 #Now set an extreme endpoint to represent oo in our visualization
 136                 $x2=1000;
 137                 $y2=$m*$x2+$y_int;
 138             }  
 139         }
 140         if(!$b){#if b is 0 then we just have a vertical line
 141                 $x1=$c/$a; 
 142                 $y1=rand();#any random value will do
 143                 $x2=$c/$a;
 144                 $y2=rand(1000);#any random value will do
 145         }
 146         unshift @gd_endpoints,[$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2];
 147     } 
 148     return @gd_endpoints;
 149 }

1. Deeper info about Voronoi diagrams via Mathworld.

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