package Url2Image;

use GD;
use strict;

sub new
    chdir "/virtual/" or die "Can't change to working DIR";

    my $class = shift;
    my $style = shift;
    my $text = shift;

    # create the object with default values
    my $this = [$style,$text,{
                               # text apreance

			       FACE => "cinema", 
			       SIZE => 12.0,

	                       FG_R => 255,
	                       FG_G => 255,
	                       FG_B => 255,

			       # text postion

			       WIDTH  => "TEXT",   
     		               HEIGHT => "TEXT",

			       ALIGNMENT => "LEFT",
			       V_ALIGNMENT => "BELOW",

			       AT_X => 0,
			       AT_Y => 0,

			       # the border

			       BD_WIDTH => 0,

	                       BD_R => 255,
	                       BD_G => 255,
	                       BD_B => 255,
			       # the background
	                       BG_R => 0,
	                       BG_G => 0,
	                       BG_B => 0,

			       BG_IMAGE => undef,

			       BG_AT_X => 0,
			       BG_AT_Y => 0,

			       BG_ALIGNMENT   => "LEFT",
			       BG_V_ALIGNMENT => "BELOW",

			       # the output format

			       OUTPUT => "PNG"


    # our father, who art in heaven...
    bless $this, $class;

    # read in the config options from the file, possibly
    # overwriting the default values

    # cache the image to memory

    # return the object.

# reads the config file from the correct place
# given what the style is
sub read_config_file
    my $this = shift;

    # get the style
    my ($style) = $this->[0] =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_]*)$/;

    open (CONFIG, "$style/.fontrc") or return;
    while (<CONFIG>)
	chomp;              # no newlines
	s/#.*//;            # no comments
	s/^\s+//;           # no start whitespace
	s/\s+$//;           # no end whitespace
	next unless length; # anything left? 
	my ($var, $value) = split (/\s*=\s*/,$_,2);
	$this->[2]->{$var} = $value;
    close CONFIG;

sub print
  my $this = shift;
  binmode STDOUT;

  if ($this->[2]{OUTPUT} eq 'PNG')
      print "Content-type: image/png\n\n";
      print $this->[3]->png;
    print "Content-type: image/jpeg\n\n";
    print $this->[3]->jpeg;

sub get_string
    my $this = shift;
    $_ = $this->[1];

    s/_/ /g;
    s/&nbsp;/ /g;
    s/&quote;/"/g; #"

    # certain ends overide the default...
    if (s/.png$//) { $this->[2]{OUTPUT} = "PNG" ; return $_}
    if (s/.jpg$//) { $this->[2]{OUTPUT} = "JPG" ; return $_}

    return $_;

sub create_image
  my $this = shift;
  my $text = $this->get_string;
  my $font = "fonts/$this->[2]{FACE}.ttf";

  # work out the size of the font

  my @bounds = GD::Image->stringTTF(0,$font,$this->[2]{SIZE},0,0,0,$text);
  die "couldn't find font!" unless (defined(@bounds));

  my $text_width  = $bounds[2]+1;
  my $text_height = $bounds[3]-$bounds[7]+2;

  # load the background image if there is one

  my $bg_image;
  my $bg_width;
  my $bg_height;

  if ($this->[2]{BG_IMAGE})
      $bg_image = GD::Image->new("images/" . $this->[2]{BG_IMAGE}) or die "Can't load image $this->[2]{BG_IMAGE}";
      ($bg_width,$bg_height) = $bg_image->getBounds();

  # define the width 

  my $width;

  if ($this->[2]->{WIDTH} =~ /^IMAGE/)  
      $width = $bg_width; 
      $' =~ m#(\+|-)(.*)$#;
      if ($1)
	  if ($1 eq '+') 
	    {$width += $2}
	    {$width -= $2}
  elsif ($this->[2]->{WIDTH} =~ /^TEXT/)
      $width = $text_width;

      $' =~ m#(\+|-)(.*)$#;
      if ($1)
	  if ($1 eq '+') 
	    {$width += $2}
	    {$width -= $2}
      $width = $this->[2]{WIDTH} +0;

  # define the height

  my $height;

  if ($this->[2]->{HEIGHT} =~ /^IMAGE/)
      $height = $bg_height;
      $' =~ m#(\+|-)(.*)$#;
      if ($1)
	  if ($1 eq '+') 
	    {$height += $2}
	    {$height -= $2}
  elsif ($this->[2]->{HEIGHT} =~ /^TEXT/)
      $height = $text_height;

       $' =~ m#(\+|-)(.*)$#;
      if ($1)
	  if ($1 eq '+') 
	    {$height += $2}
	    {$height -= $2}
      $height = $this->[2]{HEIGHT} +0;

  # create the image
  my $image = new GD::Image($width, $height);

  # make the colours
  my $background = $image->colorAllocate($this->[2]{BG_R},$this->[2]{BG_G},$this->[2]{BG_B});
  my $foreground = $image->colorAllocate($this->[2]{FG_R},$this->[2]{FG_G},$this->[2]{FG_B});
  my $border     = $image->colorAllocate($this->[2]{BD_R},$this->[2]{BD_G},$this->[2]{BD_B});

  # paste the background image if there is one
  if ($bg_image)
      my $bgx;
      my $bgy;

      # we have control of the horizontal
      if ($this->[2]{BG_ALIGNMENT} =~ /^RIGHT$/)
	  $bgx = $this->[2]{BG_AT_X} - $bg_width;
      elsif ($this->[2]{BG_ALIGNMENT} =~ /^CENT(ER|RE)$/)
	  $bgx = $this->[2]{BG_AT_X} - int($bg_width/2);
      elsif ($this->[2]{BG_ALIGNMENT} =~ /^IMAGE_CENT(ER|RE)$/)
	  $bgx = int($width/2 - $bg_width/2) + $this->[2]{BG_AT_X};
      elsif ($this->[2]{BG_ALIGNMENT} =~ /^FLUSH_RIGHT$/)
	  $bgx = $width - $bg_width + $this->[2]{BG_AT_X};
	  $bgx = $this->[2]{BG_AT_X};

      # and the vertical - do not adjust your set
      if ($this->[2]{BG_V_ALIGNMENT} =~ /^ABOVE$/)
	  $bgy = $this->[2]{BG_AT_Y} - $bg_height;
      elsif ($this->[2]{BG_V_ALIGNMENT} =~ /^CENT(ER|RE)$/)
	  $bgy = $this->[2]{BG_AT_Y} - int($bg_height/2);
      elsif ($this->[2]{BG_V_ALIGNMENT} =~ /^IMAGE_CENT(ER|RE)$/)
	  $bgy = int($height/2 - $bg_height/2) + $this->[2]{BG_AT_Y} ;
      elsif ($this->[2]{BG_V_ALIGNMENT} =~ /^FLUSH_BOTTOM$/)
	  $bgy = $height - $bg_height + $this->[2]{BG_AT_Y};
	  $bgy = $this->[2]{BG_AT_Y};
      # actually copy across the image (cross fingers)

  # work out where the text is going to go

  my $x;
  my $y;

  # we have control of the horizontal
  if ($this->[2]{ALIGNMENT} =~ /^RIGHT$/)
      $x = $this->[2]{AT_X} - $text_width;
  elsif ($this->[2]{ALIGNMENT} =~ /^CENT(ER|RE)$/)
      $x = $this->[2]{AT_X} - int($width/2);
  elsif ($this->[2]{ALIGNMENT} =~ /^IMAGE_CENT(ER|RE)$/)
      $x = int($width/2 - $text_width/2) + $this->[2]{AT_X};
  elsif ($this->[2]{ALIGNMENT} =~ /^FLUSH_RIGHT$/)
      $x = $width - $text_width + $this->[2]{AT_X};
      $x = $this->[2]{AT_X};

  # and the vertical - do not adjust your set
  if ($this->[2]{V_ALIGNMENT} =~ /^ABOVE$/)
      $y = $this->[2]{AT_Y} - $text_height;
  elsif ($this->[2]{V_ALIGNMENT} =~ /^CENT(ER|RE)$/)
      $y = $this->[2]{AT_Y} - int($text_height/2);
  elsif ($this->[2]{V_ALIGNMENT} =~ /^IMAGE_CENT(ER|RE)$/)
      $y = int($height/2 - $text_height/2) + $this->[2]{AT_Y} ;
  elsif ($this->[2]{V_ALIGNMENT} =~ /^FLUSH_BOTTOM$/)
      $y = $height - $text_height + $this->[2]{AT_Y};
      $y = $this->[2]{BG_AT_Y};
  # finally draw the text
  my @bounds = $image->stringTTF($foreground,$font,$this->[2]{SIZE},0,$x,$y-$bounds[7],$text)

       or die "Coundn't write text $text";

  # do the border
  if ($this->[2]{BD_WIDTH})
      foreach (0..$this->[2]{BD_WIDTH}-1)

  # extract the name of the file
  my ($style) = $this->[0] =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_]*)$/;
  my ($txt)   = $this->[1] =~ /^([+-=A-Za-z0-9_&;\[\]:"'()]*)$/; # ";

  # check we got a legal filename out
  die unless (length($style) && length($txt));

  # check we're not overwriting a dot file (v. bad)
  die if ($txt =~ /^\./);

  # save to the correct file.  This probably shouldn't be hardcoded.   			       

  unless ($this->[2]{NO_WRITE})
      open OUTPUT,">$style/$txt" or die "$!";
      binmode OUTPUT;
      if ($this->[2]{OUTPUT} eq 'JPG')
	  print OUTPUT $image->jpeg;
	  print OUTPUT $image->png;
      close OUTPUT;
 # return the image
  $this->[3] = $image;


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