A Geo Parser for vast amounts of Text
Building Santa's Treasure Map with Geo::Parser::Text
Or, finding jewels hidden in big data
I know there is a treasure
of rare pearls somewhere
I wish I could measure
I wish I knew where
treasures are fun to have
and even great to possess
but, the greatest fun to be had
is by mapping out exactly where.
Geoparsing, a very difficult problem
According to Directions Magazine in the article "Geoparsing Maps The Future Of Text Documents" geoparsing is an almost magical, complex technological process that relies on data to put geo-information into context.
The problem of geoparsing has been attempted many times over. The now defunct Yahoo Placenames was used to extract and disambiguate place names from text. Other notable defunct projects include BioGeomancer from Berkley and NGA GEOnet Names Server.
There are also a few other current open projects from both academia and the developer community: geolocate from Tulane University, CLAVIN - Cartographic Location And Vicinity INdexer, and mordecai.
Commercial heavyweights like MetaCarta extract information about place and time, while others like Digital Reasoning (GeoLocator), Lockheed Martin (AeroText), and SRA (NetOwl) extract place and person names.
All of current applications in this field focus on extracting place names from a piece of text, geotag, disambiguate, resolve them to the correct place, and return their coordinates and structured geographic information.
I don't know of any geoparser that goes beyond place names, by that I mean one that geoparses street addresses and street intersections too. Just like Santa, maybe it does exist. Maybe not. Either way, I will try to build it.
Geo::Parser::Text interfaces with http://geocode.xyz, a geoparser written in Perl, to disambiguate and extract complete location information from text (locations expressed as combinations of street names and place names.)
The Motivation?
I'd like to get a more detailed map of every location ever mentioned in literature. So, I'm currently geoparsing the gutenberg project (and a few others kind enough to offer free books for download)
Books are rich with actual location information (unless they are fantasy books mentioning fantasy locations, such as Santa's lair in the North Pole) - so are tweets, microblogs, chats, and more.
If I search for "Which books mention Rue Saint-Jacques in Paris?" I'll get a mixed bag of answers, some good some irrelevant. I will have the complete list soon, but from the books I have parsed this location is mentioned in the Count of Monte Cristo.
Nothing so far on the North Pole. Stay tuned.
Finding Where in What
People keep reporting on what they do and sometimes we need to know where.
Knowing for certain, now that is a problem nobody quite knows how to solve. That includes me. For that I have a probabilistic model that computes a 'confidence score' which takes values between 0 and 1, with 1 being the highest confidence score. (The confidence score must be more than 0 for a result to be returned.)
Geo::Parser::Text is just an interface. The NLP module behind geocode.xyz does the heavy lifting.
A quick overview
use strict;
use Geo::Parser::Text;
use Data::Dumper;
my $g = Geo::Parser::Text->new('http://geocode.xyz');
my $str = <<'TEXT';
"Why, my dear boy, when a man has been proscribed by the mountaineers,
has escaped from Paris in a hay-cart, been hunted over the plains of
Bordeaux by Robespierre's bloodhounds, he becomes accustomed to most things.
But go on, what about the club in the Rue Saint-Jacques?"
"Why, they induced General Quesnel to go there, and General Quesnel, who
quitted his own house at nine o'clock in the evening, was found the nextday
in the Seine."
# context aware parsing (may be slower)
my $ref = $g->geocode(scantext=>$str);
print Dumper $ref;
And the response comes out as:
$VAR1 = {
'match' => {
'longt' => '2.343',
'confidence' => '0.7',
'MentionIndices' => '258,89,84',
'latt' => '48.8463',
'location' => 'RUE SAINT-JACQUES, PARIS, FR'
This response provides latitude and longitude (latt, longt), the confidence score (0.7 in this case), where in text the match was made (MentionIndices) and the location.
There is only one location returned in this example (strict mode is default). It could however match many more in nostrict
my $ref = $g->geocode(scantext=>$str,nostrict => 1);
The ambiguity rich response might be:
$VAR1 = {
'match' => [
'confidence' => '1',
'MentionIndices' => '142,84',
'latt' => '44.84122467294317',
'longt' => '-0.5819759504279641',
'location' => 'Bordeaux, FR'
'confidence' => '0.9',
'longt' => '2.321780662038148',
'location' => 'Paris, FR',
'latt' => '48.8585406663244',
'MentionIndices' => '89,84'
'MentionIndices' => '89,131',
'location' => 'Paris, PL',
'longt' => '18.623269999999998',
'latt' => '53.01594',
'confidence' => '0.2'
'longt' => '13.6377402411685',
'latt' => '50.50466656250016',
'location' => 'most, CZ',
'MentionIndices' => '206',
'confidence' => '0.15'
'confidence' => '0.1',
'MentionIndices' => '206,9',
'latt' => '51.767255',
'longt' => '12.27308',
'location' => 'most, DE'
'confidence' => '0.1',
'MentionIndices' => '206',
'longt' => '15.14741',
'location' => 'most, SI',
'latt' => '45.96118'
'confidence' => '0.05',
'MentionIndices' => '104,340',
'longt' => '11.93452',
'latt' => '46.04092',
'location' => 'cart, IT'
'MentionIndices' => '122',
'latt' => '52.69396936842102',
'longt' => '-1.2728069473684216',
'location' => 'over, UK',
'confidence' => '0.05'
'confidence' => '0.05',
'MentionIndices' => '34',
'longt' => '7.42547',
'latt' => '46.94972',
'location' => 'been, CH'
'confidence' => '0.05',
'MentionIndices' => '131',
'location' => 'plains, UK',
'longt' => '-3.9319304347826085',
'latt' => '55.88144239130435'
'MentionIndices' => '363,76',
'longt' => '-8.851603846153846',
'latt' => '42.67637230769231',
'location' => 'nine, ES',
'confidence' => '0.05'
'location' => 'nine, PT',
'longt' => '-8.54254',
'latt' => '41.47052',
'MentionIndices' => '363',
'confidence' => '0.05'
'MentionIndices' => '84',
'longt' => '-2.32211',
'location' => 'from, UK',
'latt' => '51.22834',
'confidence' => '0.05'
'MentionIndices' => '246,340',
'longt' => '11.50476',
'latt' => '44.58116',
'location' => 'club, IT',
'confidence' => '0.05'
But then again, that's probably not what you want. (did you notice there is a town named "club" in Italy? Or a city named "From" in the UK? Is that where you are from?)
I want no ambiguity. So I've made strict mode the default, but if you must insist, pass a parameter named nostrict.
And if I want only one result (geocoding is just a specific case of geoparsing) try:
my $ref = $g->geocode(locate=>$str);
So a geocoding answer comes back with a bit more info on the location:
$VAR1 = {
'latt' => '48.84630',
'longt' => '2.34300',
'standard' => {
'prov' => 'FR',
'city' => 'Paris',
'addresst' => 'RUE SAINT JACQUES',
'confidence' => '0.10',
'postal' => '75005'
It gives you a breakdown of the elements (street, city, country) and sometimes provides the post code.
This is probably what you want to do when you want to parse locations out of short text or twitter feeds. Or if you want to parse out locations out of Santa's letters.
Batch Geocoding
As exciting as geoparsing and geocoding are, nothing is more useful than batch geocoding. Just supply a file of locations (one per line) and get those locations plotted on a map.
Santa gets a lot of letters, such as this one
Dear Santa,
I am a little boy, six years old and I go to school. Please bring me a
motor boat, a gun, a go and stop sign, a tractor, football, pair of
roller skates, scooter, and house slippers and oranges and nuts. I am
a real good little boy. Your little friend,
Junior Hall - 1084 Stroman Ave Akron, O
Suppose Santa keeps a text file of all these letters. All it needs to do is upload the file on a batch geocoding service to see where they come from.
Junior Hall - 1084 Stroman Ave Akron
Bobbie Mitchell - RFD1 Cuyahoga Falls
3057 W. Bailey Road
... etc
Save them on a text file, say letters.txt, then use this bash one liner to batch geocode them (If Santa knows Perl, I bet he also knows Bash)
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
echo $line,`curl -X POST -d locate="$line" -d geoit="csv" https://geocoder.ca`;
done < "$1"
Save this bash file as locate.sh then
chmod a+rx locate.sh
./locate.sh letters.txt>letters.txt.out
And, there you go:
cat letters.txt.out
Junior Hall - 1084 Stroman Ave Akron,200,0.8,41.050184,-81.488269
Bobbie Mitchell - RFD1 Cuyahoga Falls,200,0.6,41.15102692522035,-81.4960373662322
3057 W. Bailey Road,200,0.5,43.50055337491875,-92.59065981245
With Maps Thunderforest, Data OpenStreetMap contributors, Santa can visualize the results on a map:

It may be slow sometimes, I've squizzed geocode.xyz into a small t1.micro AWS server (which is free) with 1G of RAM and 1vCPU (YES Perl runs reasonably fast on that). There is no rate limiting or throttling either, so that may be a factor too (depending on how people are abusing the API.) If that does not cut it for you, get your own server on AWS with the provided server image. (I suspect a P2 GPU instance will perform quite well)
Also, geocode.xyz is limited to about 50 European countries. geocoder.ca covers North America.
The day of a geoparser with worldwide coverage is not far. There is a pretty good chance that will happen before the New Year with a high confidence score. Could be one of Santa's gifts along with a faster server to run it on.
And, That's where it's at!
* Geo::Coder::OpenCage * Text::NLP * Geocode.xyz * Geocoder.ca